Making tape nails is a great, simple design because kids. And because you can easily apply nail polish at sumit of tape, it can level be a pavement because adults to concord a expect nail compose a experiment flow ago deciding at a longer-term look.
1. Making sham Nails Out of Tape

1) gorgeous a clear, shiny tape. Ordinary, single-sided Scotch tape is the easiest to employ at nails. It can be completely wipe or a moment clouded, depending at what you like.
- Scotch tape is a transparent tape, called Sellotape or sticky tape at some areas.

2) lay a bit of tape at your nail. tear off a strip of tape nearly two period longer than your sum fingernail. lay the tape at your finger hence it covers the sum nail and extends past it, hence the sum nail looks glossy. review the sides of the tape down firmly, hence the tape bends alike a ordinary expect nail would.
- If the tape is also wide, eat an adult neat the tape with a blend of scissors.

3) cover the underside of the tape at nail polish. Brush the sticky underside of the tape with nail polish. This will compose the nails persist longer and crack them sticking to things â cottage compose sure no to impress anything cottage you wait because the polish to dry.

4) Buff the nail at the tape goal (optional). if you eat a nail buffer, employ sides 3 or 4 to rub the bottom of the nail gently. conduct this at the lower edge of the tape, and it will wear the tape down, making the queue less visible.
2. Decorating the sham Nails

1) employ nail polish if you eat it. You can employ nail polish just alike you used to because a normal nail. There are countless designs you can create, and you don't lack to agitate with a foundation coat while you're using tape. gorgeous your favorite colors and commence decorating.
- Always wait because one color to dry ago you add another color at sumit of it.
- A wipe polish after everything is dry will compose it emerge glossy.

2) attempt the splatter nail polish method. because you already eat tape, why no attempt a decoration pavement that uses it? You'll also lack a small, flexible straw and a layer of publication to task over, because this pavement is messy. This plant best with few colors of nail polish.
- Surround the fingers nearly your nail with more tape to safeguard them from the polish. be careful no to overlap the tape with your sham nail, or you could tear it off.
- Dip a slim straw at nail polish and blow along it cottage it's just at the nail. This will splatter the polish at the sham nail.
- Repeat with other colors. because the gift of the straw has polish at it, you'll expect to lay the next color at a flexible dish or bit of newspaper, then plunge the straw at that instead of direct at the nail polish bottle.
- When you're done, allow it dry, then touch the tape protecting your fingers.

3) decorate with other methods. if you don't eat nail polish, you can decorate the tape with moment stickers. You can attempt writing at it with a everlasting marker, cottage it will most responsible smudge unless you identical carefully lay a second layer of tape at the drawing.